The chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, Imran Khan, took it to his official social media handle to release the address on International Anti Corruption Day. During which, he directly blames the government of Pakistan for making it almost impossible for law enforcement agencies to catch white collar criminals.
At the beginning of the address, former PM Khan said that, “Corruption is in every part of the world, but the corruption that becomes the reason for the fall of any nation is elite corruption, which in other words is called as ‘Ruling elite’, when they start doing corruption, when Prime Minister steps on the path of corruption, when Ministers do corruption, when Presidents do corruption. When big business people and houses accompany leaders and rulers in the corruption, that directs the nation into fall.”
He further highlighted the ‘FACTI’ panel, (International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity for Achieving the 2030 Agenda, which is the high-level panel officially launched by the United Nations. Noting to the FACTI panel, Khan said, “It determines the differences between the rise and fall of any nation.”
PTI Chief Imran Khan, while pointing to the results of the panel, states that, “every year over 7 trillion dollars directly goes into the big nations, developed nations and wealthy places just like London for purpose of purchasing big mansions, palaces in those capitals. This is the main reason behind the fall of any nation.”
“One of many reason behind this is that there is almost no ‘Rule of Law’ in small nations, whereas there is ‘Rule of Law’ in big nations. This is the main difference between rich and poor nation. The rule of law directly puts everyone in the nation under the roof of law,” says Khan.
Furthermore, PTI Chief Khan stated that, “This is the symptoms of the fall of any nation.”
“Moreover, the Pakistan government has bring in new amendments in the parliament which has made it more difficult for the legal infrastructure or law enforcement agencies of Pakistan to catch the white collar criminals, who are slowly eating the nation from inside,” alleges former PM Khan.