The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of Islamabad police on Friday has conducted search operation at Sihala police station. The information about the above mentioned has been shared by the public relations officer.
While sharing the details on the same, the public relations officer said that, “After the special directives were made by the Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO), Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, the search operations are being conducted in different areas of the city, to ensure the safety and security of the Islamabad citizens. Following these directives, a search operation was conducted in different areas of Sihala police stations jurisdiction by CTD, QRF and local police.”
During the search operation, around 47 houses and 50 individuals were properly checked and 10 suspicious persons, 2 former criminal record holders and 5 motorcycles were shifted to police station.
ICCPO, Dr Akbar Nasir Khan said that the purpose of the search operation is tighten the security in the federal capital. All zonal officers are directed to continue these operations in their areas. Moreover, citizens were also requested to cooperate with the police during the checking.
At the same time, the Islamabad police have also detained 12 absconders and proclaimed offenders in the crime during the last 24 hours.
He said that, after the special directions of ICCPO, Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, special tasks were assigned to all the police officials to ensure the arrest of those involved in the serious crimes.
ICCPO Dr Akbar Nasir Khan said that, “The Islamabad Capital Police is taking all possible steps to eradicate the crime from the city and those involved in heinous crimes and illegal activities will be dealt with iron hands.”
Notably, this is not the first time that the capital police is taking measures in order to eradicate the crime rate. But they have also launched number of other operations as well to curb the growing crime ratio.