The Faisalabad Police on Friday has arrested former Punjab provincial minister and the PTI-affiliated independent candidate Khayal Ahmad Kastro from the premises of a lower court after his bail was rejected in May 9 case.
The spokesperson for the Faisalabad police, Malik Shahid, confirmed the arrest about him. He said that Kastro was detained after his bail was cancelled in May 9 case lodged against him at the Raza Abad Police Station.
According to the video shared by the PTI via their official social media handle, shows four unknown persons in plain clothes forcibly shifting Kastro into a white Toyota Yaris.
Considerably, one unidentified person holding a rifle could be seen wearing black boots and Khaki-coloured trousers, a similarity with the uniforms of Punjab police personnel.
As per the FIR, “A copy of which is also available with PTI, the May 9 vandalism case against Kastro was lodged under Pakistan Penal Code Sections 290 (Punishment for public nuisance in cases not otherwise provided for) and 291 (Continuance of nuisance after injunction to discontinue), as well as the Punjab Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance.
Notably, the Secretary General of PTI and the former federal minister, Omar Ayub Khan denounced the arrest, stating that “There was no justice, rule of law or level playing field in Pakistan.”
In a post shared via the Twitter handle, he said that, “Khayal Kastro PTI MPA candidate and former MPA being abducted by the unknown people in broad daylight outside the court by unknown people after he had been granted bail by the court.”
It is to be noted that, on January 13, two PTI leaders, former transport minister, Jahanzaib Khichi and former MPA Waseem Khan Badozai were reportedly taken away by unidentified individuals from the returning officers’ (RO) offices in Mailsi (district Vehari) and Multan.