The Islamabad police has sent a letter to Interpol, asking for assistance in the arrest of the former advisor to the Prime Minister on interior and accountability, Mirza Shahzad Akbar, in a case lodged against him at the Secretariat police station under several criminal charges.
As per the details, added the investigating officials of the case, lodged under sections 420, 468, 471, 385, 396, 389, 500 and 506 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), made a request to the Interpol in the written form, asking help in the arrest of Akbar.
Moreover, the information also added that, a letter was written to the Interpol representative in Pakistan via the FIA requesting to issue a red notice for the ex-adviser. A red warrant notice is a request to law enforcement across the world to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending surrender or extradition.
According to the sources, the representative would forward the request to the Interpol headquarters in Lyon, France and the red notice would be issued from there.
Following the issuance of the notice, he will be tracked down via the travel documents, including his passport, the capital police will provide the details of the travel documents to the Interpol.
It is to be noted that, the case at the Secretariat police station was lodged in reply to the complaint registered by Omer Farooq Zahoor, a resident of Dubai and an entrepreneur, who has also served as an ambassador at large for an African nation. Zahoor is the person who had revealed that he had bought a priceless watch of Toshakhana from former Prime Minister of Pakistan.
According to the FIR, the FIA’s Corporate Crime Circle in Lahore began inquiry based on a report submitted by the applicant’s ex-wife, Khushbakht Mirza. The inquiry led to the registration of two FIRs dated Oct 5, 2020, and Oct 10, 2020.
The FIR stated that, “FIA officials lodged the false case at the behest of Shahzad Akbar, the then special adviser to the prime minister on accountability, who allegedly prepared forged documents in his office in the presence and convince of all the accused mentioned above.”
It continued by adding that, “Following a thorough investigation, the joint investigation team (JIT) concluded the allegations in the FIRs were fake, frivolous and based on the forged documents.” It further added that, the JIT submitted cancellation reports to court for both the FIRs.
The court agreed with both the cancellation reports, it said, whereas, the accused in conspiracy with Umaid Butt and Ali Mardan Shah (Officials of FIA) allegedly resumed their activities of blackmailing and extorting money from the applicant and managed to have fake criminal cases lodged against him and the members of the family.