The Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf, Imran Khan, on Monday held a special meeting with the senior journalists and anchors. During the meeting, PTI Chief held a comprehensive discussion on significant issues including the political situation of the country as well as the future plans of the PTI.
It is to be specifically mentioned that the discussions during the meeting revolved around the queries on the deviations from the constitution and laws in the nation, along with the attempts of the government to evade elections and deliberate attempts to clash with the judiciary.
While mentioning about the solution, PTI Chief Khan said that, “The only solution to the ongoing crisis in the nation is to refer to the people for a decision. Moreover, as per the constitution of Pakistan, the owner of the supreme power is Allah Ta’ala, and the source of authority is the people.”
“The people exercise their authority via elected representatives in a transparent way. The refusal of the government to hold elections is tantamount to a bare attack on the constitution. The consequences of deviating from the constitution for the sake of mere fear of defeat and self interest will be disastrous,” says Chairman Khan.
He further added by saying that, “The purpose of establishing Tehreek-e-Insaaf is the establishment of justice in the nation, the rule of law and constitution. From 1996 till today, PTI has fought a completely peaceful, democratic and constitutional struggle to achieve its ideals.”
Moreover, PTI Chairman, Imran Khan said that, “The class above the law is creating the history of fascism and brutality in the nation. Law and fundamental rights are being flouted to accept thieves. The brutal series of kidnapping youths and punishing and torturing them continues.”
He further continued by saying that, “The choice is not mine or Tehreek-e-Insaaf’s; it is the need of the country.”